Thursday, June 14, 2007
Hot, Hot, Hot.

Alright, I had a little problem with the Yamaha XZ550 Vision the other day. I went to the Cardinal Criminal Justice Academy Basic Law Enforcement Graduation last Thursday. While riding the bike in the Salem "High School is being let out" traffic, the bike over heated. Spewed antifreeze all over the exhaust and roadway.
I made it back home with the bike running very hot. Outside temperature was a mere 94 Degrees Fahrenheit. I pulled the bike apart yesterday and found the fuse for the radiator fan was bad. Of course, the fuse for the fan is behind the headlight bucket, so the entire front end of the bike had to come apart to get to the fuse.
I found the fuse that was in there was a 5 AMP fuse and should have been a 10 AMP fuse. I replaced the fuse with the correct one and then went a step further... I wired in a secondary, parallel switched, fused circuit for the fan motor. The secondary circuit will bypass the thermoswitch and the fuse for the fan motor. This way if I ever encounter another incident like last Thursday, all I need to do is flip the auxiliary emergency switch on the dashboard and BLAM, the fan will come on and stay on!
Another Vision problem averted.