Saturday, August 26, 2006
New Bike?
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
No Good Deed...
I hear this saying a lot lately, but only recently found it to be true. I found that there was a new Vision owner in the area who was having trouble getting his bike to run. I made contact with him and went to see him with a spare set of carburetors and some other miscellaneous parts. I left my house with the parts and a small toolbox strapped to the back of my Vision and took the most direct route to get there... Straight up Route 220.
When I got to Phil's house, I motored into the driveway and as my bike was idling, before I hit the engine shut off switch, I could hear a ticking sound coming from the left side of the engine. "CRAP!" was about all I could think to say. It was only about 3,000 to 4,000 miles ago that I fixed the dreaded Starter Clutch. When I did fix the Starter Clutch, I had to replace the Rotor and Starter Clutch with the ones from my spare engine. When I did this, It appeared that the well known "Starter Clutch Repair" had already been done to the new parts. So, I put it all back together and it all worked great. It wasn't until later on that I realized, what I thought was longer bolts through the Starter Clutch, were actually just stock bolts. Now, I believe that those wonderful stock bolts have backed themselves out again and I am going to have to do the entire Starter Clutch repair all over again.
On to Phil's bike, we took the used carburetors and bolted them on without much problem. His battery was dead, so we had to jump his bike off his Dad's 4Wheeler. Several turns of the engine and it just would not start. Checked that the spark plugs and caps are all connected, check fuel and vacuum lines, all looked good. One last hit of the starter button and it started up and sounded good. This was the first time Phil has heard his bike run. I know it had to be is good feeling for him. A new battery for Phil and the bike charges good. Phil has been working with the carburetor, setting the air/fuel mixture screws and adjusting the sync between carburetors and it sounds like Phil has a pretty decent bike.