Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Running Errands on the Bike
Alright, so this morning I found myself reading forum post after forum post about motorcycles when I realized it was 80 degrees outside and not a cloud in the sky. Why was I sitting there in front of the computer when I could be out riding a real motorcycle instead of reading about riding a motorcycle. I decided to ride into town and look for some replacement wire to try and fix the Aerostich heated vest I acquired. Of course VDOT has graveled every road around me, I had to head Northwest in order to avoid gravel to get East to Rocky Mount. My first stop was Radio Shack and even though they tried, they couldn't come up with the Nichrome Resistance Wire I needed. I then went to Lowes to try and find some Snake repellent. This morning as I was warming up the Vision, I saw a snake skin on the roof. It appears that someone was going to make a home in the soffet of my log cabin. The only snake repellent that Lowes had advised not to use the poison in an area where the snake was already confined. This would cause the snake to live deeper within the confined space. "Deeper within" translates inside my house. So, strike two... Off to Shively Electric to see what they say about my Nichrome wire. Shively had some additional recommendations, but couldn't send me out the door with what I needed.
So back home I was headed. I took off on Franklin Street (Route 40) West into and through Ferrum. I followed Rt. 40 to Shooting Creek Road North. It seems that Shooting Creek has gotten very bumpy since the last time I was on it. Shooting Creek to The Blue Ridge Parkway to Five Mile Mountain Road. Of course Five Mile Mountain Road is covered with Gravel. No leaned over switchbacks here! All in all, a very good 70 Miles of fun, despite not getting anything I needed while running errands in the bike.
So back home I was headed. I took off on Franklin Street (Route 40) West into and through Ferrum. I followed Rt. 40 to Shooting Creek Road North. It seems that Shooting Creek has gotten very bumpy since the last time I was on it. Shooting Creek to The Blue Ridge Parkway to Five Mile Mountain Road. Of course Five Mile Mountain Road is covered with Gravel. No leaned over switchbacks here! All in all, a very good 70 Miles of fun, despite not getting anything I needed while running errands in the bike.
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It's neat that your wife understands the "journey." But I still have to chuckle at her comments. Most motorcyclists totally understand the "longer route." I love to take the longer way to the store that is just 1 mile down the road (lol).
Enjoy the Journey, Betty :)
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Enjoy the Journey, Betty :)
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