Thursday, February 09, 2006
2nd Annual Memorial Bike Ride For Cpl. Jonathan W. Bowling
Fairystone Vol. Fire Dept. and a Fellow Police Officer for the City Of Martinsville, as well as a fellow bike rider.
Please show your support By Remembering Jonathan in This Ride:
Date:April 15th - Rain Date:April 22nd
Location: Patrick County High School, Stuart Va.
Registration starts at 9am - Departure at 1pm
Cost $10.00 per bike - Vehicles same price
Proceeds will go to the Cpl. Jonathan W. Bowling
Memorial Scholarship Fund
We will be stopping by the gravesite for a moment of
Also day of event Blue Ridge Mountains Car show will
be there, will be no admission to the car show. There will be a plaque given to the farthest traveled bike.
Red Knights MC Chapter 11 Patrick Springs,Va.
For more information contact the following
Miranda Nelson (276)629-6188
William Martin (276)957-1635
Kim Bowling (336)978-2796