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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Local Favorite

I had to attend a meeting this afternoon at work. The meeting was scheduled from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM at Ferrum College. Well, we were released from the meeting at 3:30 PM and Route 40 & Route 8 were calling to me. I took off on Rt. 40 heading West from Ferrum. The road was in excellent condition, the weather was about 80 Degrees. The road to Rt. 8 was clear of all traffic, except one pickup truck towing a trailer. The driver of that vehicle waived me past as soon as he saw I was behind him (He must ride).

Just as I got to Woolwine and just before the junction with Rt.8, I got stuck behind a mulch truck. Luckily, it was only for about a quarter mile, then the truck turned Left on Rt.8 and I went Right. Rt.8 was beautiful until I passed an orange sign that said "Road Under Construction". Oh no, what were they doing to my road??? Straightening it??? No, it appears that they are just widening it in one or two spots. I did however, sit waiting to the "Pilot Car" for about 15 minutes... It seemed like forever. Then after the polit car arrived I was stuck behind a line of cars through the construction zone, which was one lane. I was stuck behind all these cars and work vans until Tuggle's Gap.

At Tuggle's Gap, I jumped on the Blue Ridge Parkway and zipped along at about 10 mph over the 45 mph speed limit. Only got stuck behind one other vehicle and that was just before an easy "Motorcycle Only Passing Zone". While on the BRP, my bike passed the 20,000 mile mark on the odometer. I then hit Five Mile Mountain Road and zipped on back home. I was home by 4:30, quarter to five. This is about the time I would have gotten home if the meeting lasted until 4:00 like it was supposed to.

If you have never riden Rt. 40 to Rt.8 to Tuggle's Gap/Blue Ridge Parkway you really need to do it soon. The roads have long sweeping curves and tight switchbacks and especially during the week, very minimal traffic. I would however, wait until the construction is completed.

Very cool site! Stumbled accross it while looking for info on the rt8 road construction. Planning a group ride (CSBA) up that way in about two weeks. I've been riding rt8 at Tuggles since the mid-80's. I hope they don't mess it up! 602 (Squirrel Spur) is another good one in that area. They just straightened (a little) and laid down new pavement! Never owned a Vision, but it was a bike that I lusted after as a pre-teen. I thought it looked just like a motorcycle should. First saw one new on the show room floor at a dealer called "The Cycle Shack" in Christiansburg, Va. many, many years ago. If you're ever in the Greensboro, NC area, and need some good roads to ride, give us a shout

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