Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Heading Home from Rt. 129

After Bill loaded his Vision into his truck and left heading South, James and I took off on our bikes, through the gap headed North. James was having trouble with his bike and had to pull over during the run. After checking fuel lines and fuel filters and this and that, we tried a new igniter box. The new TCI worked. It appears that someone opened his TCI and then tried to seal it with a piece of a cardboard box from some Carmel Corn. With all the rain we had, the carmel corn box didn't hold up.

With James on his way, I took off into the Smokey Mountain National Park where it started raining and where I promptly got lost. I finally found the Southern end of the Blue Ridge Parkway after 2 hours of trying to get out of the Smokey Mountain National Park. The rain continued most all the way home. This made it interesting riding on the parkway. At 6,000 feet it got down to 54 degrees and I had to turn on the heated grips. The only relief from the pouring rain was the numerous tunnels between the Smokey Mountains and Asheville, NC. In Ashville, I got off the parkway and hopped on I40 East to Statesville. In Statesville I met a BMW rider who happened to be sporting a Route 129 pin on his Aerostich. He was Southbound from Washington, DC and with his help, I decided to take I77 to Hillsville and then Route 221 back to Callaway. In Mount Airy, I stopped and got a hotel room as it was dark and I no longer had a head light. Monday Morning, the sun was shining and I had a great run up Route 221 and I was home by 10:00 AM.