Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Green and Cream

The next step was to scrub the entire piece with a ScotchBrite Green scrubby Pad. The scrubby pad really helped get rid of a lot of the staining that was on the cover. You will really need to scrub with some muscle. Use a soft cloth to clean up any residue from the scrubby when you're finished. After the scrubby pad, I used a cone shaped brass wire brush in my electric drill. I used brass because it is softer than the aluminum. I worked the brass brush in very small circles over the entire surface of the stator cover. In this step, you can actually see the reflection of the drill in the cover surface as you work up a good shine. After the entire surface is brite and shiny, finish the job with some NevrDull Metal Polish, buffing to a brite finish.