Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Clear Coat No More

I used a metal stripper I found in Lowe's to strip the clear coat off of the Stator Cover. The metal stripper I used was "Klean-Strip Metal Stripper". This is some powerful stuff. Make sure you wear safety glasses and chemical resistant gloves. If this stuff gets on your skin, it burns and burns a lot. Don't ask me how I know, just trust me. I can't imagine what would happen if you got this stuff in your eyes. I painted the stripper on with a disposable paint brush (trust me you will not be able to use the brush again for anything else). Applied it all in one direction as the instructions indicate. I left it on the cover for about 15-20 minutes and wiped everything off with an old, clean rag. If you leave the stripper on for too long, it will dry onto the metal and then you need to strip the clear coat and the old metal stripper. 20 minutes is just about the right amount of time. Make sure you clean up all the stripping agent, get it all off of there.