Click for Callaway, Virginia Forecast

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Add Yourself to My Map

If your a regular (or just an occasional) visitor to my Yamaha XZ550 Vision Blog, let me know where your accessing the internet from. I'm curious who (and from where) my readers are. Click JOIN on the map and add your map pin!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

I Love My Weatherman!

This is what my local weather forecast is (and has been for the last week)! ... In December!

Weather Underground Email Service for Callaway, VA

NWS Forecast as of 1030 am EST sun Dec 17 2006

This Afternoon Sunny. Highs around 70. Southwest winds around 10 mph.


Tonight Mostly clear. Lows around 40. Light and variable winds.


Monday Sunny. Highs around 70. West winds around 10 mph.


Monday Night Partly cloudy. Lows in the mid 40s. Northwest winds around 10 mph.


I have started riding the Vision back and forth to work again since starting the new job. It's great being able to park the bike in a heated garage while I am working. Makes for an easy bike warm up and I don't have to scrape ice off the seat in the morning before the ride home.

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